Tuesday 19 January 2010

Mixed emotions - Day 20

20 days in, I can't believe it.....

I had my Ultrasound and Endermologie treatment at Alizonne today. Thankfully the therapist was gentler with me, and it was nowhere near as painful.

Unfortunately, I only lost 1.3kg (2.8lbs) this week, ending up at 103.4kg - which puts me around 0.6kg below where I should be. They are estimating I should be at 100kg next week - which means I need to lose quite a massive 3.4kg in the next week to keep on track.

I'm feeling quite gutted, but still determined to keep going. I still lost something, in fact more than I have on many other diets, and I'm told it can be quite common for the body to hold on to fat sometimes.

I desperately hope things will pick up next week - please, please, please......

On the upside, my dreaded trip to Sweden, originally planned for the first week in Feb, has been postponed. I really didn't want to go given how difficult it would be to keep on track and not compromise, so this is fantastic news.

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