Sunday 24 January 2010

Measurement - after day 24

Measurements for this week are:

Bust - 105cm (0cm loss this week - 3cm lost in total - 16cm to go)
Waist - 100cm (1cm loss this week - 4cm loss in total - 28cm to go) - yay!
Hips - 124cm (2cm loss this week - 7cm loss in total - 29cm to go) - good to see the ultrasound is doing something

Been feeling a bit bummed about my slow weight loss, as it looks like I've only lost 1.5kg this week vs a target of 3.4kg to hit the target they set, but I guess some weight loss is better than nothing. Also, my full week ends on Wed, even though my appointment is tomorrow, so I'm hoping those 2 extra days will give me a bit of a boost and help me catch up at least a bit.

I posted about it on the Alizonne forum and most people are saying what I've lost is not unusual, and it's the exception rather than the rule to lost the big numbers I've seen some people posting. Doesn't make it better but at least I don't feel abnormal....

My Alizonne session is tomorrow, and am then seeing the doctor on Thursday morning first thing for my monthly check up.

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