Monday 28 June 2010

End of Phase 5 - Day 180

It feels a bit strange to be moving on a phase without a weigh-in, but I feel ok about it given my home scale is giving good vibes (for once!).

So, my last meal on Phase 5 will be steak with veggies - tomorrow I start on Phase 6 for a week, and am excitedly looking forward to strawberries for my morning snack, with salmon for dinner - yum!

Sunday 27 June 2010

Measurements - after day 178

Not surprisingly my body is slowing down on weight loss, so it's not entirely surprising that the same is happening with inch loss too - this week's measurements are:

Bust - 89cm (0cm loss since last measurements - 19cm lost in total - 0cm to go)
Waist - 82cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 22cm loss in total - 10cm to go)
Hips - 97cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 34cm loss in total - 2cm to go - almost there!)

I didn't lose anything on my arms or thighs unfortunately.

My home scale says I weigh around 74kg now, so it looks like I'm slightly under, which is a good place to be as I move to Phase 6 on Tuesday this week. Yay!

Monday 21 June 2010

End of Phase 4 and weigh in - Day 173

I had my last ultrasound treatment at Alizonne today, as well as endermologie/LPG. And, best bit was the weigh in (NEVER thought I'd ever say those words!):

Current weight - 76kg (2.5kg loss since last weigh in) - 33.9kg total lost to date
Weight in stone - 11st 13lb - 5st 5lbs lost to date, or 74.8lbs
Weight to lose (to hit lower target of 75kg/11st 11lbs) - 1kg or 2.2lbs

I'm so close now I can just about taste it.

Tomorrow I start Phase 5 for one week, and will be having half the allowed quantity of cheese, as I'm having the lactofree cheese which isn't low fat as well as tuna in my salad. Looking forward to it!

Only 3 weeks left to go .......

Sunday 20 June 2010

Measurements - after day 171

Tomorrow is my last day on Phase 4 - unbelievable! I had my very last snack sachet (vanilla dessert) this afternoon, and my last lunchtime sachet tomorrow will be sheep's milk. From then on all I'll have left for the remaining 3 weeks on Alizonne is snack bars.

I have my last combined ultrasound and LPG treatment at Alizonne tomorrow evening, so will update weight then. I have booked LPG treatments only for July, and will then make a call on what happens from August onwards.

In the meantime, this week's measurements are:

Bust - 89cm (0cm loss since last measurements - 19cm lost in total - 0cm to go)
Waist - 82cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 22cm loss in total - 10cm to go)
Hips - 98cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 33cm loss in total - 3cm to go - almost there!)

I didn't lose anything on my arms or thighs unfortunately.

Yesterday I decided to finally do a big clear out of the spare room wardrobe, where I've been storing up all the clothes that have been getting too big for me. I created 3 piles - clothes to keep in storage (size 16 and under only to hedge my bets!), clothes for charity and clothes to give to my mum, as she loves nothing better than getting my old clothes. It may seem foolish keeping any clothes, but my thinking is to keep them until I'm through the 12 months of Phase 8, then I can safely get rid of them. At one point I pulled out a lovely pair of black cargo trousers, which I used to wear and feel really good in - in a size 22. I put them on and I'm not kidding - you could easily fit another half of me in there there was SO much excess space! It made me so emotional I burst into tears, and my wonderful husband had to give me cuddle, but they were honestly just tears of emotion and joy.

I am determined never again to let myself get to that size again, never again .......

Friday 18 June 2010

The day after - Day 170

Last night went well.

Although we only won 1 of the 6 categories we entered we were highly commended in a 2nd category.

I had a good time - stuck to no alcohol and ate my dinner I had pre-prepared on the way home, so no snacking on canapes or the buffet. Plus, I got LOADS of compliments from people saying how fantastic I'm looking, what's my secret, and one saying I look better and better everytime they see me.

Will I ever get tired of the compliments? Somehow, I don't think so ........

Thursday 17 June 2010

Here we go - Day 169

Tonight is my first industry award function since starting Alizonne, and I'm all dressed up in my new emerald coloured magnificent Size 12 cocktail dress - ready to leave. A bit of me is excited to see what everyone says, and off course to see if we win - the rest of me wonders whether anyone will notice ......

Butterflies in the tummy .......

Sunday 13 June 2010

Measurements - after day 164

What a week it's been!

I saw the doctor at Alizonne on Thursday for my monthly check up and the good news is that my blood tests came back completely normal. On the downside my body fat percentage is 37% when it should be around 33%, which she was slightly concerned with. Her view is I should continue to phase off as planned, but at the end I may need to try to lose a few extra kgs to get it down to the right level, but we'll see how the next few weeks go.

Best bit is I've booked my last appointment for 15th July, when I'll have ended Phase 7 and be ready to move onto "real" life again! I'm excited and full of trepidation at the same time .....

On Friday I had a corporate hospitality event in the afternoon where they were showing the World Cup kick off match. When I arrived they were handing out South African football shirts, and they immediately said "What size? Medium?" - I could SO have kissed the girl! And best bit is it fit perfectly *sigh*

Anyway, this week's measurements are:

Bust - 89cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 19cm lost in total – I'VE DONE IT - HIT TARGET!)
Waist - 83cm (0cm loss since last measurements - 21cm loss in total - 11cm to go)
Hips - 99cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 32cm loss in total - 4cm to go - finally broken into double digits!)

I also lost 1cm each on my arms and 2cm on my thighs.

It was my husband's 40th yesterday and we had some friends around, including my mother in law who I haven't seen since Christmas. She was so impressed by the loss and really supportive, which felt great.

4 weeks to go and counting ......

Tuesday 8 June 2010

End of Phase 3 and weigh in - Day 159

Ok, I know today is actually Day 160, but I didn't have a chance to post this last night when I got home from Alizonne as I had to get to Moves & Shapers for a session.

The fantastic news is that I officially moved from Phase 3 to Phase 4 as of Day 160, with weight details being:

Current weight - 78.5kg (2.8kg loss since last weigh in) - 31.4kg total lost to date
Weight in stone - 12st 5lb - 4st 13lbs lost to date, or 69.3lbs
Weight to lose (to hit lower target of 75kg/11st 11lbs) - 3.5kg or 7.7lbs

So, the plan is to stay on Phase 4 for 2 weeks and then 1 week each of Phases 5-7, so 5 weeks left until I'm done - yay!

Sunday 6 June 2010

Measurements and travelling through timezones - after day 157

I got back to the UK yesterday and just about coped with everything. Being there in itself wasn't that tough, although being at a trade show with specific times for meals and working around this, especially for lunch, was a bit of a challenge.

The biggest challenge was dealing with the timezone changes on the flights, especially on the way there. I left on Friday evening, so that was easy, I had dinner before boarding for my 10pm flight and that was the end of that day. On the Saturday, rather than set my clock forward to Singapore or Australian time I stayed on UK time, and worked my meals on that basis. Then, when I landed in Melbourne on Sunday morning and before catching my connecting flight to Adelaide I switched my clock, and started my meals on Australian time.

On the way back it did it the other way around, although that was quite a bit easier for some reason. Luckily I was in business class, so could delay meals as needed to work around the 2-4 hour window.

So, now I'm back and measurements are:

Bust - 90cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 18cm lost in total – only 1 teeny tiny cm to go!)
Waist - 83cm (2cm loss since last measurements - 21cm loss in total - 11cm to go)
Hips - 100cm (2cm loss since last measurements - 31cm loss in total - 5cm to go)

I also lost 1cm each on my arms and thighs.

My home scale says I weigh 77.4kg first thing in the morning, although obviously this will be heavier when I get to Alizonne, as my appointments are always early evening. Either way I do seem to have lost while away, which I'm really chuffed with. I have my appointment tomorrow evening, and with a bit of luck will move onto Phase 4 then - fingers crossed!