Tuesday 25 May 2010

Weigh in - Day 146

I had my Alizonne appointment and am delighted to say I'm back on the losing trail and have managed to shift some more weight. Latest details are:

Current weight - 81.3kg (2.6kg loss since last weigh in) - 28.6kg total lost to date
Weight in stone - 12st 11lb - 4st 7lbs lost to date, or 63.1lbs
Weight to lose (to hit lower target of 75kg/11st 11lbs) - 6.3kg or 13lbs

The good news is I apparently don't have to stay on Phase 3 until I hit target weight, which I thought I'd have to. The therapist says I will continue to lost on Phases 4-6, so she is thinking I should lose another 2kg or so and then move onto Phase 4 for 2 weeks and then Phases 5 & 6 for a week each.

I also felt quite touched as we went to visit friends over the weekend who we haven't seen since Boxing Day last Christmas, which was a few days before I started Alizonne. She commented on my weight loss and how good I'm looking, especially as she's done LighterLife twice now but ended up putting all the weight plus more back on. The day after she texted me to say she's been inspired by my loss and is going back on the diet in an effort to shift her weight before her birthday in September. I'm so pleased to have hopefully inspired her, makes me even more determined not to stop now, hit goal and most importantly - keep it off!

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