Monday 1 February 2010

Taking the good with the bad - Day 33

Well, they say you have to take the good with the bad, and I guess this week has been testament to that.

First, the good news - measurements yesterday:

Bust - 103cm (2cm loss this week - 5cm loss in total - 14cm to go)
Waist - 99cm (1cm loss this week - 5cm loss in total - 27cm to go) - finally below 1m - yay!
Hips - 120cm (4cm loss this week - 11cm loss in total - 25cm to go) - yippee!

Then, I had my Alizonne session this evening and the bad news - I haven't lost any further weight since my doctor's appointment, and am still 100.7kg - bummer! I've decided I can't let this demotivate me, I have to stick with it and given I'm still seeing good centimetre loss I just need to keep at it - especially as it could just be PMT related.

The ultrasound made me really itchy today, but thankfully the endermologie was nowhere near as bad as it has been.

More to follow once I've been measured again on Sunday

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