Sunday 7 February 2010

Measurements - after day 38

I had my period this week, but the scale at home says I've broken the magic 100kg, which I desperately hope is true given it tends to show me at a heavier weight than the scales at Alizonne. My appointment is on Tuesday this week, so I will update then, but in the meantime here's this week's measurements:

Bust - 100cm (3cm loss this week - 8cm lost in total - 11cm to go) - just need to break that magic 1m now.....
Waist - 98cm (1cm loss this week - 6cm loss in total - 26cm to go) - yay!
Hips - 120cm (0cm loss this week - 11cm loss in total - 25cm to go) - shame I didn't lose anything here this week, but last week I did lose 4cm and I have just finished my period, so guess I shouldn't complain (at least not much anyway!)

Generally feeling ok ....... and the best bit is I had to do some more clearing out of my wardrobe this weekend and am now a "proper" UK size 16 as all my old clothes in this size actually fit me now - BIG HOORAY!

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