Thursday 18 February 2010

Awful pain - Day 49/50

Last night for unknown reasons my IBS flaired up, and I was in absolute agony - I even had to sit out of some of the exercises in my powerplate class. My stomach completely bloated and I felt sick. I don't know whether it's because I had one of the juices and possibly didn't mix it very well, it tasted really grainy when I had it; but as that's the only different thing I had that I don't usually have that's the only thing I can assume.

In desperation I took a Colofac - no idea whether it's allowed or not but with the pain I was in I frankly didn't care at that moment.

I called the Alizonne clinic today and managed to speak to the doctor, who said that Colofac does have some fibre and sugars in, and will slow down weight loss on the day/s I take it - but if it makes me feel better I should go ahead and take it, especially as I generally only need 1 or 2 to make me feel better.

Luckily I didn't take any this morning, just a Panadol to relieve the pain, so hopefully the one I took last night hasn't done too much damage.

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