Friday 12 March 2010

I succumbed (but not to food!) - Day 71

I succumbed to my dirty little passion yesterday - shopping!

I've found it quite frustrating not buying any clothes since I started, so have instead bought shoes, make-up, perfume, bags ..... anything to keep me going as my clothes getting bigger and baggier on me (which is the BEST feeling in the world by the way)

During the warmer months of the year I like to wear cycling shorts under my skirts as it makes me feel more comfortable, but off course my current ones don't fit anymore. So, I decided it wouldn't be too naughty to go ahead and buy some new ones. I've ordered a few pairs online - in a Size 12!! Can't even begin to explain how exciting that felt, but I know it will be even more exciting once I get them and actually put them on

I've deliberately help off trying any clothes on in any shops, so it will be interesting to see how they fit when I get them

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