Tuesday, 8 June 2010

End of Phase 3 and weigh in - Day 159

Ok, I know today is actually Day 160, but I didn't have a chance to post this last night when I got home from Alizonne as I had to get to Moves & Shapers for a session.

The fantastic news is that I officially moved from Phase 3 to Phase 4 as of Day 160, with weight details being:

Current weight - 78.5kg (2.8kg loss since last weigh in) - 31.4kg total lost to date
Weight in stone - 12st 5lb - 4st 13lbs lost to date, or 69.3lbs
Weight to lose (to hit lower target of 75kg/11st 11lbs) - 3.5kg or 7.7lbs

So, the plan is to stay on Phase 4 for 2 weeks and then 1 week each of Phases 5-7, so 5 weeks left until I'm done - yay!

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