Sunday, 13 June 2010

Measurements - after day 164

What a week it's been!

I saw the doctor at Alizonne on Thursday for my monthly check up and the good news is that my blood tests came back completely normal. On the downside my body fat percentage is 37% when it should be around 33%, which she was slightly concerned with. Her view is I should continue to phase off as planned, but at the end I may need to try to lose a few extra kgs to get it down to the right level, but we'll see how the next few weeks go.

Best bit is I've booked my last appointment for 15th July, when I'll have ended Phase 7 and be ready to move onto "real" life again! I'm excited and full of trepidation at the same time .....

On Friday I had a corporate hospitality event in the afternoon where they were showing the World Cup kick off match. When I arrived they were handing out South African football shirts, and they immediately said "What size? Medium?" - I could SO have kissed the girl! And best bit is it fit perfectly *sigh*

Anyway, this week's measurements are:

Bust - 89cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 19cm lost in total – I'VE DONE IT - HIT TARGET!)
Waist - 83cm (0cm loss since last measurements - 21cm loss in total - 11cm to go)
Hips - 99cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 32cm loss in total - 4cm to go - finally broken into double digits!)

I also lost 1cm each on my arms and 2cm on my thighs.

It was my husband's 40th yesterday and we had some friends around, including my mother in law who I haven't seen since Christmas. She was so impressed by the loss and really supportive, which felt great.

4 weeks to go and counting ......

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