Sunday, 20 June 2010

Measurements - after day 171

Tomorrow is my last day on Phase 4 - unbelievable! I had my very last snack sachet (vanilla dessert) this afternoon, and my last lunchtime sachet tomorrow will be sheep's milk. From then on all I'll have left for the remaining 3 weeks on Alizonne is snack bars.

I have my last combined ultrasound and LPG treatment at Alizonne tomorrow evening, so will update weight then. I have booked LPG treatments only for July, and will then make a call on what happens from August onwards.

In the meantime, this week's measurements are:

Bust - 89cm (0cm loss since last measurements - 19cm lost in total - 0cm to go)
Waist - 82cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 22cm loss in total - 10cm to go)
Hips - 98cm (1cm loss since last measurements - 33cm loss in total - 3cm to go - almost there!)

I didn't lose anything on my arms or thighs unfortunately.

Yesterday I decided to finally do a big clear out of the spare room wardrobe, where I've been storing up all the clothes that have been getting too big for me. I created 3 piles - clothes to keep in storage (size 16 and under only to hedge my bets!), clothes for charity and clothes to give to my mum, as she loves nothing better than getting my old clothes. It may seem foolish keeping any clothes, but my thinking is to keep them until I'm through the 12 months of Phase 8, then I can safely get rid of them. At one point I pulled out a lovely pair of black cargo trousers, which I used to wear and feel really good in - in a size 22. I put them on and I'm not kidding - you could easily fit another half of me in there there was SO much excess space! It made me so emotional I burst into tears, and my wonderful husband had to give me cuddle, but they were honestly just tears of emotion and joy.

I am determined never again to let myself get to that size again, never again .......

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