Monday, 29 March 2010
Weigh in - Day 89
I had my Alizonne session today and have lost a surprising 3.3kg (7.3lbs) in 2 weeks - which for me is really good. Amazing what a major trauma does .......
This means I finally hit my Phase 1 goal of 89.9kg and I have now broken the 200lb mark, weighing 198.2lb (14st 2lbs)
I now need to get to 83kg before moving to Phase 3, but given there is now no hurry with our cancelled holiday I guess I don't need to panic as much anymore
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Worst week of my life - Day 88
Anyone reading this may have wondered where last week's measurement and weight updates are. I haven't been online this week. On Sat 20th March my parents were involved in a horrific head on collision while completely static - leaving both of them in ICU after being airlifted to hospital.
My mum is doing better after 3 operations on her arm, knee and hip - and despite broken ribs and a broken sternum is on the mend. My dad is in a much worse condition, and is currently in an induced coma awaiting the multiple surgeries he is going to have to go through before they can bring him out of the coma. On Tuesday this week the doctor told us to start to expect the worst, but thankfully he has been fighting and is now slightly better. With a lot of prayer we are hoping this will start to happen on Thursday this week, but we don't know whether he has brain damage or paralysis yet.
In light of this weight loss seems extremely trivial, but I am proud to say I have stuck with the programme, and even though I haven't had a scale and have had to estimate weights I've stuck to my 4 sachets, small protein and 2 litres of water daily. I had to cancel this week's Alizonne appointment, but am seeing them tomorrow and will see what the status is then.
Unfortunately my parents don't have medical insurance, so my brother and I are now scrambling to raise funds to cover medical costs. As a result, we've cancelled our June holiday to put the funds towards this, which means the drive to phase off by the end of May is gone. This also means that I now have to reduce my treatments to bi-weekly rather than weekly - but ultimately it's about trying to keep my parents alive and not undo all the hard work I've already put into this.
One thing I will say is that if I've been able to stick to the programme this week of all weeks, I can manage anything that life throws at me - and no one can possibly have any excuse .....
Thursday, 18 March 2010
So loving it - Day 78
Yesterday was the end of week 11 - so a good time to think about where I've got to on my Alizonne journey
On the negative:
- I'm not where I should be and haven't even hit my Phase 1 target yet, all thanks to my rubbish medgem
- I can see the change in my face and neck, but not on the rest of my body when I'm naked - although strangely when I'm dressed I really can, weird
- I feel fantastic
- I've dropped at least 3 dress sizes (hard to say though as I haven't bought anything but have held a pair of Size 14 jeans against me and they look like they'll fit)
- I'm LOVE, LOVE, LOVING the compliments
- Clothes I couldn't get into previously are now too big for me
- I will need a serious shopping spree soon ;)
So, at the start of Week 12 I'm not in a bad place - yes I could/should have lost more but considering the last time I looked like this was probably when I was 18 I'm not feeling that bad and am desperately going to try to stop beating myself up from now on ......
Monday, 15 March 2010
Bittersweet weigh in - Day 75
On the upside, I am now the smallest I've been in well over 10 years, in fact I can't even remember the last time I was this size. Most of my clothes are too big for me - I'm literally into single digit figures of the number of trousers and skirts that still fit (tops are a bit easier as they are stretchy), but....... I only lost 1kg this week, which was heartbreaking to say the least. After the bad week last week the home scale was saying somewhere between 1.5-2kg, so I was desperately hoping for a 1.5kg loss, but it didn't happen.
I'm determined not to let this discourage me. Alizonne has been the most successful diet I've ever done, and I have still lost something, I just need to keep a positive mental attitude. It also helped that I got a lovely bear hug from my wonderful husband when I got home.
So, I now weigh 93.2kg (14st 9lb) - just 5lb to go to hit a 3 stone loss ..... Vamos a isso corpo .....
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Measurements - after day 73
That's a bit better! This week's measurements are:
Bust - 98cm (0cm loss this week - 10cm lost in total - 9cm to go)
Waist - 93cm (1cm loss this week - 11cm loss in total - 21cm to go)
Hips - 114cm (1cm loss this week - 17cm loss in total - 19cm to go) - under 20cm to lose now!
I also lost 1cm on my arms, nothing on the thighs though.
The home scale says I've lost 2kg but it's been wrong before, so we'll see what the Alizonne scale says when I go for my appointment tomorrow - fingers crossed
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Lovely moment - Day 73
I went to Movers & Shapers for a power plate session today, and ran into a lady there who I haven't seen in ages. Although my husband and I usually go together, he had a football game to get to so switched his Saturday session to last night, so I went on my own.
At the end of the session we were both getting some water when she turned to me and said, "Now I remember who you are. You used to be really big, have you lost like half your body weight? You usually come with your husband don't you? Yes, you are who I'm thinking of, it's unbelievable". I can't begin to describe how touched I was, and how much motivation comments like that give me
Then I came home and got rid of a few more clothes that are now too big ;)
Friday, 12 March 2010
I succumbed (but not to food!) - Day 71
I succumbed to my dirty little passion yesterday - shopping!
I've found it quite frustrating not buying any clothes since I started, so have instead bought shoes, make-up, perfume, bags ..... anything to keep me going as my clothes getting bigger and baggier on me (which is the BEST feeling in the world by the way)
During the warmer months of the year I like to wear cycling shorts under my skirts as it makes me feel more comfortable, but off course my current ones don't fit anymore. So, I decided it wouldn't be too naughty to go ahead and buy some new ones. I've ordered a few pairs online - in a Size 12!! Can't even begin to explain how exciting that felt, but I know it will be even more exciting once I get them and actually put them on
I've deliberately help off trying any clothes on in any shops, so it will be interesting to see how they fit when I get them
Monday, 8 March 2010
End of phase 1 & weigh in - Day 68
Hard to believe it, but today marks the end of the Alizonne Phase 1 for me, and I feel a bit wistful because although it's great I haven't achieved what I set out to achieve, which was to hit 89kg before moving on to Phase 2.
I knew it wasn't going to be a great week, so can't say I was that surprised to have only lost 0.7kg this week - which puts me at 94.2kg (14st 11lbs) - but at least I lost something.
The ultrasound plates have now been moved to my thighs, with only 2 on my stomach. Unfortunately one of the plates seems to have singed me a bit just above my left knee. Endermologie was fine.
Phase 2 starts tomorrow, which is basically exactly the same as Phase 1, just replacing either the lunch or dinner sachet with meat, chicken, fish or eggs. I'm hoping that the switch to "real" protein will kick start something in my body and get things really kicking. Come on body - let's go .....
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Measurements - after day 66
Sometimes it sucks being a girl, especially when you have your period. I've had low blood pressure all week, to the point where both the doctor and therapist commented on it and I nearly passed out on the tube coming home one day. Up to now I've never had a bad weight loss week during my period (strangely it's always been the week after) but I think this week could be the exception.
My home scale is all over the place, so who knows whether or how much weight I've lost, but measurements aren't fantastic this week:
Bust - 98cm (0cm loss this week - 10cm lost in total - 9cm to go)
Waist - 94cm (0cm loss this week - 10cm loss in total - 22cm to go)
Hips - 115cm (1cm loss this week - 16cm loss in total - 20cm to go)
I managed to lose 1cm each on my arms and thighs. I know a 3cm loss isn't bad at all, but now I know I'm moving onto phase 2 on Tuesday without hitting phase 1 target I'm feeling added pressure to minimise the difference as much as possible before I fully phase off. I was so disappointed I couldn't help having a little cry - which I know is silly given how much I've lost and that I must have lost something this week if I've lost cm.
Alizonne appointment is tomorrow so I can only hope for the best - under 94kg would be fantastic ......
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Doctor's appointment - Day 64
So, I saw the doctor at Alizonne this morning and we agreed that although I'm about 5.9kg away from where I should be to phase off she's going to move me on.
My appointment is next week Monday, at which point the therapist is going to move me to Phase 2. On the one hand I'm delighted - protein at last! On the other it's a shame I'm not at the goal I should be at, but I'm just not willing to take the risk on the May trips messing up all the hard work.
Hopefully I can drop around 1.5kg this week, so I'm only 4-4.5kg off. And off course, there's always the chance my body loves Phase 2 and starts speeding up ;)
Most of the fat on the side of my tummy is now gone, so what I'm left with at the moment is excess skin (scary!) but she wants to keep 2 plates right on the front by my belly button as there's still some there. The 10 remaining endermologie plates will go around my thighs.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
So sweet - Day 62
I had someone at work come up to me today to say she saw me walk across the office and had to come and tell me I look amazing and well done! Boy, did that make me feel great ....
Monday, 1 March 2010
Weigh in - Day 61
I had my Alizonne session this evening and I've lost 1.4kg (3.1lbs) this week, putting me at 14st 13lbs!
On the one hand I'm SO chuffed as I never thought I'd see 14 stone again, but it is a bit strange as my home scale, which admittedly has a mind of its own, was showing a 2.5kg loss this morning. I know you're at your lightest in the morning and all that, but still
Anyway, focussing on the positive I have now broken 15 stone, next stop is to break the 200lbs mark, only 9lbs to go .....
Doctor's appointment is on Thursday so I'll see what she says about timings for phasing off then
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