Sunday, 14 March 2010

Measurements - after day 73

That's a bit better! This week's measurements are:

Bust - 98cm (0cm loss this week - 10cm lost in total - 9cm to go)
Waist - 93cm (1cm loss this week - 11cm loss in total - 21cm to go)
Hips - 114cm (1cm loss this week - 17cm loss in total - 19cm to go) - under 20cm to lose now!

I also lost 1cm on my arms, nothing on the thighs though.

The home scale says I've lost 2kg but it's been wrong before, so we'll see what the Alizonne scale says when I go for my appointment tomorrow - fingers crossed


susi Q said...

hi well done to you !! i have lost 7lb in my first week ,but i have felt ill and the nurse at the clinic yesterday wants me to see the doc on tuesday she has increased the sachets to six and thinks i will have to have more veg allowance feel so hungry when does it stop ? best wishes susi.

Big Girl said...

I've never lost 7lb in one week, so your result is fantastic - well done!
Not sure what to say about feeling ill and hungry, I've never really felt hungry and only felt ill/weak in week 3, apart from that I've generally been ok.
Keep going - 7lb in one week is so amazing that if you can sort out the illness you'll get there in no time. Let me know how you get on with the doctor