Sunday, 7 March 2010

Measurements - after day 66

Sometimes it sucks being a girl, especially when you have your period. I've had low blood pressure all week, to the point where both the doctor and therapist commented on it and I nearly passed out on the tube coming home one day. Up to now I've never had a bad weight loss week during my period (strangely it's always been the week after) but I think this week could be the exception.

My home scale is all over the place, so who knows whether or how much weight I've lost, but measurements aren't fantastic this week:

Bust - 98cm (0cm loss this week - 10cm lost in total - 9cm to go)
Waist - 94cm (0cm loss this week - 10cm loss in total - 22cm to go)
Hips - 115cm (1cm loss this week - 16cm loss in total - 20cm to go)

I managed to lose 1cm each on my arms and thighs. I know a 3cm loss isn't bad at all, but now I know I'm moving onto phase 2 on Tuesday without hitting phase 1 target I'm feeling added pressure to minimise the difference as much as possible before I fully phase off. I was so disappointed I couldn't help having a little cry - which I know is silly given how much I've lost and that I must have lost something this week if I've lost cm.

Alizonne appointment is tomorrow so I can only hope for the best - under 94kg would be fantastic ......

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