Monday, 8 March 2010

End of phase 1 & weigh in - Day 68

Hard to believe it, but today marks the end of the Alizonne Phase 1 for me, and I feel a bit wistful because although it's great I haven't achieved what I set out to achieve, which was to hit 89kg before moving on to Phase 2.

I knew it wasn't going to be a great week, so can't say I was that surprised to have only lost 0.7kg this week - which puts me at 94.2kg (14st 11lbs) - but at least I lost something.

The ultrasound plates have now been moved to my thighs, with only 2 on my stomach. Unfortunately one of the plates seems to have singed me a bit just above my left knee. Endermologie was fine.

Phase 2 starts tomorrow, which is basically exactly the same as Phase 1, just replacing either the lunch or dinner sachet with meat, chicken, fish or eggs. I'm hoping that the switch to "real" protein will kick start something in my body and get things really kicking. Come on body - let's go .....


Unknown said...

Well done big girl! you are only 0.2 away from what you wanted to be, that is fantastic!!!!! I wanted to start last week but the doc told me I can't until after my hols in april... very disapointed... but she thinks I can still do it for the summer hols which will be great.
Keep up the good work!!!!
do you know how suziq is doing?

Big Girl said...

Thanks - this week so far seems to be going well. Although my home scale can be a bit mental it is showing good weight loss, so fingers crossed for next week.
Susi Q has started, but has been struggling a bit to get into the routine of it. She has a very high medgem though so as long as she sticks with it I think she'll do amazingly well.
Good luck!