Friday, 30 July 2010

Two weeks later

I had a bit of a wobbly earlier this week when it looked like I had put on around 800g, despite pretty much sticking to the Phase 6/7 rules - which started making me depressed.

Luckily I was able to keep calm and think through exactly what I was eating, the only real variable being my afternoon snack, which I had replaced the Alizonne bar with an Alpen/Weetabix bar. As these contain wheat & dairy I suspected they were causing the issue, so got some Alizonne bars, and have spent the week alternating one day of these with an Alpro Soya yogurt.

I jumped on the scale this morning and it appears to have worked, as my home scale is showing 71kg on the dot - so if anything I've shifted a bit more off - hurray!

I'm flying out to visit my parents next week so am delighted the weight is back under control as weighing myself won't be possible there, so I'll have to just be sensible

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