Sunday, 10 January 2010

Measurement - after day 10

As with last week, I'll update on food later but measurements for this week are:

Bust - 105cm (2cm loss this week - 3cm lost in total - 16cm to go) - I can definitely feel this one as I'm wearing bras that were a bit tight comfortably now
Waist - 102cm (3cm loss this week - 2cm loss in total - 30cm to go)
Hips - 129cm (2cm loss this week - 2cm loss in total - 34cm to go)

Best bit is I tried on 2 pairs of jeans that have been sitting very tight and they fit like a glove - hurray! Now I just need to wear the hell out of them before they get too big for me, but that's a good problem to have as far as I'm concerned ;)

My Alizonne session is on Tuesday this week, so will post weight update then, although home scale says I've now lost 8 pounds!

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