Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Clueless and menu - Day 7

I didn't have a chance to post yesterday and to be honest can't remember what I ate - one sachet day kind of blends into another ;)

So, wondering about whether I could have Brussel Sprouts and Kale I asked my therapist if I could have them on Monday - she didn't have a clue and suggested I call during the day. Today I called and they don't know either - they just took a high and mighty "you should only eat from the list you're allowed, everything else is banned" view. When I explained that Swede is for example on the list but I'd been told I could have it, she haughtily said no - that's only on Phase 3! Clueless or what?? In desperation I'm going to post on the Alizonne patient forum tonight in the hope someone actually knows the definitive answer out there......

We had a completely snowy day with 5 inches of snow falling so I ended up working from home. On the menu:

Breakfast (8am finish): pancake with choc spread - yum!

Snack (12pm finish): hot choc

Lunch (3.30pm finish): veg soup with salad. I've decided they only salad dressing I can actually manage is to split my olive oil allowance and have half a tablespoon in the dressing and keep the other half for dinner

Snack (6.30pm finish): fruits of the forest yoghurt

Dinner (8.45pm finish): beef and onion soup made into a broth with mushrooms, red pepper, pal choi, garlic flakes, chilli and mixed herbs

It's the end of my first week!!

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