Thursday 18 November 2010

Four months later

Wow, so much has happened since I last posted, including me starting the new job and getting stuck into everything - which has made it feel like absolute ages since my last Alizonne appointment, even though it has actually only been a month.

I got back to the UK after a work trip today, and had a Venti Starbucks coffee just before my Alizonne weigh in and LPG/Endermologie, but even so I'm quite pleased with the results:

Current weight - 67.2kg (100g loss since last weigh in) - 42.7kg lost to date
Weight in stone - 10st 8lb (0lb loss since last weigh in) - 6st 10lbs lost to date, or 94.2lbs

My home scale actually has me weighing less, but even with the Alizonne weight I'm still happy - yippee!

Just one more weigh in next month and then I'm going to go it alone .....


Unknown said...

I think your experiance and detail of it are excellent. I am sorry to say I was going great with Alizonne, but then got kicked off!!! I am trying to continue myself and doing ok, I just wish they had explained everthing better and so my problems didn't happen. Wishing you all the best with your continued success, Carol

Big Girl said...

Hi Carol, I am so sorry to hear of your bad experience - what happened? How far along were you?