Sunday, 2 May 2010

Measurements - after day 122

I can't believe it's been 122 days already!

So, after a few missed weeks of measurements here's the update on these:

Bust - 94cm (2cm loss since last measurements - 14cm lost in total - 5cm to go)
Waist - 86cm (5cm loss since last measurements - 18cm loss in total - 14cm to go)
Hips - 105cm (4cm loss since last measurements - 26cm loss in total - 10cm to go)

I also lost 1cm on my arms and 1cm on my thighs.

I don't have an Alizonne appointment this week, but am seeing the doctor for my monthly check-up so might ask her to weigh me, and if all goes according to plan on Thursday I will be on Phase 3 - hooray!!!

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