Sunday, 21 February 2010

Woohoo - measurement after Day 52

SO, SO happy!!! For whatever reason my body has decided to co-operate again so measurements for this week are:

Bust - 98cm (2cm loss this week - 10cm lost in total - 9cm to go) - super chuffed, only 9cm to go!
Waist - 96cm (2cm loss this week - 8cm loss in total - 24cm to go)
Hips - 118cm (2cm loss this week - 13cm loss in total - 23cm to go)

And I even managed to lose another 1cm from my arms as well, which are now 39cm

So grateful I can't even begin to describe it, especially given the IBS; but I did increase my exercise this week to try to compensate, which seems to have helped.

Alizonne appointment is tomorrow night so I will post weight then



susi Q said...

oh I am so pleased for you big girl,!I havent been able to comment on anything this week as I felt so down with what was happening to you !! I even thought about cancelling my appointment on wednesday, so I am so glad things have started moving again for you,I look forward to hearing your weight loss tomorrow i am sure it will be good.I have an adrenal problem and an under active thyroid and fibromyalgia all of which contribute to weight gain,I cannot lose weight on an ordinary diet such as weight watchers or slimming world as it effects the metabolism by slowing it down and my body is already running slow .what was your metabolic rate before you started the diet ?that is what i am looking forward to just to see what i am burning off each day. regards susi Q good luck.

Big Girl said...

Thanks Susi Q for the encouragement. Last week was a bad week and I started to wonder what I was doing wrong, but thankfully things seem to have kicked in again. My metabolic rate when I started was 1410, which is considered on the low side, so I always knew I wasn't going to be the speediest of losers - and with my wheat and dairy intolerance I sometimes get really bad IBS, but this week was actually the first flare up since I started on 31 Dec.
Make sure you tell them about your adrenal and thyroid problems - although it may mean you will need to up your aerobic exercise after the first 2 weeks or so (you might not feel like exercising initially as you adjust - although I felt fine).
Thanks so much for the support. The Alizonne forum is a wonderful place for support but this blog helps me document my own journey, and your support helps too! Only 2 more days until it's your turn - good luck!

Unknown said...

Hi Big Girl
I am consireding starting on the Alizonne programme and wondered what was your original weight? or what is your weight loss so far? I Am hopping it will work for me too!

Big Girl said...

Hi Fat Mummy Slim, I started Alizonne on 31 Dec and have lost just over 2 stone in 8 weeks. My starting weight was 17st 4lbs.
You can generally expect to lose about a stone a month - they may tell you you'll lose faster and you may be one of the lucky people who do - but the majority lose around this amount. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your message. I went to clinic today to gt ball rolling. Good luck, hope it keeps working for you.

Big Girl said...

Hi Susi Q, not sure if you're still reading this but I was wondering how you got on with your appointment this week? Have you decided to go for it?