Sunday, 28 February 2010

Measurements - after day 59

Today feels like a bit of a milestone day as it's Day 60 - can't believe I've been doing this for just about 2 months now. This week (Wed) should have been the end of Phase 1 for me, which I now know won't happen, but on the upside I am a lot closer to my Phase 1 goal (I'm hoping I will only be 5kg or so off this week), which should hopefully mean only 3 weeks extra - fingers crossed!

My Alizonne appointment is tomorrow (seeing the doc on Thursday), so will post weight update then, but in the meantime measurements this week are:

Bust - 98cm (0cm loss this week - 10cm lost in total - 9cm to go)
Waist - 94cm (2cm loss this week - 10cm loss in total - 22cm to go)
Hips - 116cm (2cm loss this week - 15cm loss in total - 21cm to go) - almost under 20cm now!

No weight loss on my arms or thighs, despite all those extra exercises

I can now comfortably fit in all my Size 16 clothes and even managed to get a Size 14 jacket on in a shop yesterday, which felt amazing (I didn't buy it though!), I can also now get into a leather jacket I bought years ago because I love it so much, even though it didn't fit me - guess what I'll be wearing lots now ;)

If I've lost more than 1.3kg this week I'll be under 15 stone for the first time in as long as I can remember ....


susi Q said...

hi big girl,well done you are doing so well !! I went to the clinic last weds and it was quite an experience! didnt know I would be there so long four and a half hours ! anyway it was a good experience ,my metgem was amazing doc said 2300 calories per 24hrs how come im so fat then was my reply !! he said I will lose weight quickly according to that result,we will have to wait and seenot sure I believe it just yet,I meanI have been treated for a lowered metabolisum for two years now and I saw my specialist yesterday and he cant give me any answers as to why it was 2300 his only comment was that medically then i should be thin so he is waiting to see what happens to me over the next few weeks .I start next sat 6th march i have the treatments, and start diet sunday ,what tastes the best in the sachets please ? I have a sweet tooth so im glad there are sweet things to have what do you doif you get hungry do you eat celery or something like that? anyway thats enough of me going on all the best to you keep up the good work ,susiQ

Big Girl said...

Hi Susi Q, so glad to hear it went well and you're all set. You have an amazingly high metgem - mine was only 1410 which does makes me worried what will happen once I've phased off, but will cross that bridge when I get there.

Everyone has different tastes on the sachets so make sure you try them all, but my favourites are:

oatmeal - I have this weekday mornings
pancake with choc - for Sat & Sun mornings as a treat (max 3 p/week)
hot choc - which I have as my morning snack either on its own or with coffee so it tastes like a mocha
sheep's cheese - fantastic in salads or melted over veg for dinner
omelettes - not great on their own but if you chop them up they work well in salads or stir fried with veg for dinner
pizza - really versatile with any topping
soups - mushroom, veg and chicken curry are my favourites. I use them to make a broth with veg for dinners or drink as a soup with salad for lunch
vanilla and bitter choc desserts - I tend to mix half a sachet up of each to make a 2-layer pudding for afternoon snack each day

There should be enough variety to keep you motivated, and on days when I haven't been I just try to get the meal over quickly so I can get on with my day.

I don't really get hungry, but if you do you shouldn't eat anything if its between 0-2 hours after your previous snack/meal. Best thing I'd suggest would be to have a cup of coffee/tea with sweetener or water - 2 litres is a lot to get through so I find this helps keep me full (and running to the loo!)

Hope that helps, so looking forward to hearing how you get on - I think you're going to do great ;)