Friday, 27 November 2009

A mixed bag

The last few days have been really really tough.

On the one hand I'm excited, and for once can't wait for Christmas as that means the 28th Dec will arrive quickly and I'll be able to start the programme.

On the other I've had masses of crappy things going on at work which are really bringing me down. I don't think they will be fixed in the short term, but I really need to get rid of all this negative energy surrounding me right now in preparation for the 28th. All this stress has led to flare up of my IBS - again.

I need to be in a good place by the 28th...... but I don't know what the solution is.....

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Switching gears

I've been absent for some time, mostly as I've been doing a bit of soul searching, which has resulted in 2 things:

  • I've stopped seeing the nutritionist I was going to - it wasn't working, I wasn't feeling better and I started feeling like a kook
  • I've started exercising consistently (yay!). After years and years of trying and failing at different exercises I started doing Power Plate sessions with my husband twice a week. These, together with wearing a pedometer linked to a website that sets daily steps targets have helped transform my fitness level and general wellbeing - although sadly has not shifted any more weight
So, what's next?

Well, I stumbled on a programme called Alizonne, which promises to not only help you lose the weight under medical supervision, but also monitors you for 12 months afterwards to make sure you keep it off.

I had my doctor's session this week, and have qualified for the programme. The day after I went for my detailed blood tests and I've set my start date for 28th Dec. I would have started sooner but with all the functions I've got on and a weekend away in Paris there's no point trying.

I'm feeling really positive that this programme, together with the consistent exercise, will get me there!

So, I've decided to change what I use this blog for. From 28th Dec my plan is to use this as a daily (-ish) diary of what I've eaten, how I'm feeling and off course documenting the all important weight and inch loss.