Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Getting started

As I am a real fan of alternative therapies I really wanted to find a homoeopath/nutritionist who could help, and having seen a nutritionist at The Hale Clinic some years ago I decided to start there. I found a programme on their website called Fat Loss/Inch Loss Integrated Low GI System, which seemed to take an integrated approach looking at nutrition as well as the emotional side using NLP.
My first appointment revealed a few interesting sensitivities: wheat/gluten, dairy, scallops, lettuce (?), cigarette smoke, pet hair and dust among others. On top of avoiding these I was also given a stack of homoeopathic medicines and supplements from a company called Mannatech. And I booked my first NLP session for the following week.

The end of my tether

After many years of trying pretty much every diet out there (sound familiar?) I finally reached the end of my tether towards the end of 2007. From weight watchers and the Atkins diet to Sure Slim - with very few exceptions you name it and I'd tried it. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a big appetite and eat less than most average sized people. I am not as active as I should be, but certainly not as unfit as many people - but in the absence of any other knowledge kept resorting to diets to solve my problem.
Having reached this point, and having seen a Louis Theroux documentary on liposculpture, I decided surgery was my last resort. After a lot of online research I found a clinic, had a consultation and even booked the surgery - that's how desperate I was. In the end it was actually something the surgeon said that changed my mind. He mentioned that he thought I had fat below the ribcage, which would be difficult to remove, which got me thinking there must be something wrong with me, something small but significant enough to cause my body to so stubbornly refuse to give up the weight. It simply didn't make sense.....
So, I postponed the surgery and, determined to find answers once and for all, set off on my journey of discovery......

So it begins

I've decided to start this blog following a quest which began in my early twenties to lose weight and be 'normal' (whatever that means) and the twist this has recently taken.
If you've stumbled upon this blog then I'd like to say welcome, I really hope you find some of what I write here useful and please let me know how it could be better - I really hope that sharing my experience with others will help us all.